Institute for Sexual Science (1919-1933)Online-Exhibition by the Magnus-Hirschfeld Society


  1. Founders of the Institute
  2. Dr. med. et phil. Arthur Kronfeld
  3. Friedrich Wertheim, M.D.
  4. Dermatologists
  5. Eugenicists, Marriage and Sex Counsellor
  6. Researchers
  7. Physicians who worked briefly at the Institute
  8. Sexual Reformers
  9. Forensic Experts
  10. Lawyers
  11. Institute Employees and Domestic Personnel
  12. Visitors and Residents
Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. Forschungsstelle zur Geschichte der Sexualwissenschaft


  1. Founders of the Institute
  2. Dr. med. et phil. Arthur Kronfeld
  3. Friedrich Wertheim, M.D.
  4. Dermatologists
  5. Eugenicists, Marriage and Sex Counsellor
  6. Researchers
  7. Physicians who worked briefly at the Institute
  8. Sexual Reformers
  9. Forensic Experts
  10. Lawyers
  11. Institute Employees and Domestic Personnel
  12. Visitors and Residents